---------------------------------------------------------------- VUGuage OCX Control Copyright 1995 Northeast Data Corp. All Rights Reserved ---------------------------------------------------------------- Release 1.0 December 1995 This document describes the VUGuage OLE Custom Control. CONTENTS 1. Product Description 2. Legal Information 3. Installation 4. Usage 5. Demonstration Application 6. Ordering Information 7. Support 8. Version release notes ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Product Description The VUGuage OCX Control is a Microsoft Windows OLE 2.0 custom control that presents a needle guage control similar to those seen on the dashboard of a car. This control is compatible with MS Windows 3.1 through Windows '95. It Being a 16-bit OLE control, the programmer can add the VUGuage Control to the tool palette in Visual Basic 4.0 (16-bit), or to any programming environment that supports 16-bit OCX control (MS Access, for example). Use of the VUGuage Control in a finished application requires the VUGuage Control DLL (VUGUAGE.OCX) to be installed with the application. There are properties available that allow the programmer to control the behavior and appearance of the Control. The VUGuage can appear in four different orientations. Colors of various parts of the control can be adjusted, and there are 3D properties that let you specify such things as borders and bevels. A High and Low limit can be set, which will cause an event to be sent to your application when either condition occurs. The range of the VUGuage can be set to any range with low and high values varying from 0 to 32767. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Legal Information The purchaser of the VUGuage Control is allowed to use it and distribute it in applications without paying any royalty, and without printing or displaying a copyright notice for the control. This only includes distribution of the VUGuage Control DLL (VUGUAGE.OCX). It does not include distribution of the VUGuage.lic file, or the documentation that comes with the Control. The purchaser of the VUGuage Control may distribute the control DLL with applications that are networked (multiple users accessing the DLL from a file server) without paying any license fees to Northeast Data Corp. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Installation Note: OCX controls REQUIRE OLE V2.02 or higher. Lower versions will cause the control registration to fail. Create a "VUGUAGE" directory on your hard disk and copy all files from the distribution disk to the directory. These files include: VUGUAGE.OCX VUGUAGE.LIC (only supplied with registered version) README.TXT (this file) REGSVR.EXE PROJECT1.VBP (Visual Basic 4.0 16-bit demo program) FORM1.FRM If you have downloaded the ZIP file from Compuserve, use PKUNZIP to extract the files into the directory. Using the RUN command from the Program Manager, Run the REGSVR program to register the control: REGSVR VUGUAGE.OCX From Visual Basic 4.0, open the PROJECT1.VBP file. If you have Microsoft Access V2.0, start it and create a form or report. From the Edit menu, choose Insert Object, and check the Custom Control radio button. Choose the VUGuage control to insert it into the form or report. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Usage PROPERTIES ---------- About... - Displays the about dialog box for the VUGuage control. BackColor - Sets the background color. BorderColor - Color of the border. The border is the region between the outer and inner bevels. BorderWidth - Width of the border in pixels. FaceColor - Color of the dial area inside the guage. HighAlarm - Guage position value that will cause a high alarm event. HighAlarmColor - Color of the band on the guage that represents high alarm values. HiliteColor - Color of the top and left sides of the inner and outer bevels if the bevel properties are set to "Raised" or "Solid". Color of the bottom and right sides if the bevel properties are set to "Inset". InnerBevel - Solid (3), Inset (0), or Raised (2). InnerBevelWidth - The width of the inner bevel in pixels. LowAlarm - Guage position value that will cause a low alarm event. LowAlarmColor - Color of the band on the guage that represents low alarm values. Max - Maximum VUGuage value. This must be greater than the minimum VUGuage value. Min - Minimum VUGuage value. This must be less than the maximum VUGuage value. NeedleColor - Color of the needle. Orientation - Bottom(0), Left(1), Right(2), Top(3) OuterBevel - Solid (2), Inset (0), or Raised (1). OuterBevelWidth - The width of the outer bevel in pixels. Pos - Current VUGuage position. This must be a value between or including the current minimum and maximum values of the VUGuage. ShadowColor - Black (0), Gray (1). The color of the left and top sides of the outer and inner bevels when the bevel styles are "Inset". The color of the bottom and right sides when the style is set to "Raised". TickColor - Color of tick marks. TickMarks - The number of tick marks to display. EVENTS ------ Alarm The Alarm parameter is: 1 - Low alarm 2 - High alarm ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Demonstration Application The VB demo app displays a single VUGuage. The guage range is set 0-100. A standard scrollbar control is used to adjust the position of the guage needle. The Alarm event is handled by displaying a messagebox whenever an alarm occurs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Ordering Information The software can be ordered by filling out the registration information displayed when the control is first loaded. The registered version of this software does not display the registration dialog boxes. You may also register by using the SWREG forum on Compuserve. See the registration dialog box for the SWREG ID number for this software. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Support Technical support is available only for registered users. For technical support, call 716-247-5934 from 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m Monday through Friday. You may also send a FAX to this same number. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Version Release Notes Version 1.0 - December 1995 First release.